The History of Air Conditioning Services

Spring is right around the corner, meaning it’s almost that time of year where we’ll turn on our home’s air conditioner for the first time in 2018. A lot of us take our air conditioners for granted, not really thinking about who was responsible for the frosty goodness we feel in our buildings during the warmer months. All Air Heating & Cooling Services, LLC., in Fredericksburg, Va., is proud to be apart of this lengthy history, and we offer a variety of air conditioning services to cater to our customers’ needs. Give us a call today for more information!

Air conditioning services include everything from installation to repair, but the basic purpose of an air conditioner is to decrease a room’s temperature while also decreasing its humidity.

Who invented it?

We have engineer Willis Carrier to thank for the invention of the air conditioner. Carrier was born in 1876 in New England and he attended Cornell University. He’s best known as “The Father of The Air Conditioner.”

While working for a printing plant in Brooklyn, he met Irvine Lyle, a salesman and his eventual partner in Carrier Corp., according to an article by TIME Magazine. Their company eventually dominated the air conditioning market in the 1950s, and today it’s best known as a brand of United Technologies.  

When was it invented?

Carrier designed his first air conditioner in the U.S. in 1902, and its original intention was to keep the New York moist air from wrinkling the printing plant’s magazine pages. The machine controlled room temperature and humidity by blowing air over cold coils. It was the first time in history a person attempted to control the temperature of their immediate surroundings.

In 1914, the first air conditioning system was placed in Minneapolis mansion of Charles Gates. It was about 7-feet tall, 6-feet wide and 20-feet long.

When did it become popular?

The air conditioner became popular in 1946, when the demand for them increased more than 30,000 units. Around 87% of U.S. households are equipped for air conditioning services, according to the 2009 Residential Energy Consumption Survey, and they’re usually a lot smaller than the one found in Gates’ mansion.

How has it evolved?

Today’s air conditioners operate on the same fundamental science as Carrier’s original invention, but as technology evolves, so do our air conditioning services.

Air conditioners today have made advancements in vapor compression, and they have cool features such as diagnostics and controls and electronic sensors. They are also way more energy efficient than Carrier’s original 1902 model, and many manufacturers provide homeowners with the technology to adjust their air conditioner’s settings from their computers or mobile phones.

Let All Air Heating & Cooling Services Help

At All Air Heating & Cooling Services, LLC., we want to make sure your air conditioner is prepared for the upcoming spring and summer months. Now that you know the general history of air conditioning services, let us be apart of your air conditioning history.

For more information, call us today at (540) 317-0727 and let our team of highly trained experts help make your air conditioner ready for use!

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